Run a demo

  1. Create a new documentation folder
    $ mkdocs new demo
  2. Create the index file
    $ cd demo
    $ cd docs
    $ echo "This is the homepage where you can add links to favorite zettels for example" >
  3. Create a demo zettel file
    $ cat >
    id: 20211122110202
    title: Welcome to MkDocs Zettelkasten
    tags: [testing, unimportant]
    # Welcome to MkDocs Zettelkasten
    This is a zettel in form of a markdown file.
    web: [MkDocs Zettelkasten](
    The metadata has to be enclosed in --- lines, and must include id:, title: and tags: properties. Optionally, a footer enclosed in --- will be rendered in card's footer as a list of references.
  4. Edit mkdocs.yaml
      name: zettelkasten-solarized-light
    - tags
    - zettelkasten
  5. Run the server:
    $ mkdocs serve --livereload